Like most of us, I too
consider my mother as my greatest teacher but there are many things about her
which make her special in many ways. Despite the physical and mental agonies
which she had to go through all her life so far, she always stuck up to his
empathetic nature, kindness, unconditional love and humble nature. I inherited most of her good things in me. The
best part of her is, she is always careful whatever she does and whatever she
speaks so as not to hurt others and maybe that’s why I am also not that
straightforward and outspoken. Seemingly, it might sound something negative but
I think otherwise.
I don’t really remember my
first day at school but I remember the first teacher whose image is never going
to delete from my memories. My first teacher was a very funny guy and that too
in a childish way. I guess that’s what we want when we are at the tender age of
less than ten years. One more thing I should mention that he used to make
fart-like sounds with clasping both palms together. I still remember him giving
us the answers in a unit test though the other teacher at the room protested
that. He was favourite of mine and my friends. Whether good or bad, my
irrational mind of that time was unable to decide that and I still like him the
way he was. I learnt enjoying my life and spreading happiness from him.
In my secondary education
I failed to learn something from the teachers there because I hardly gave attention
in any class. I was not interested but forced to study. I hope you can guess
from where all those force comes from.
Teachers came and went but there wasn’t any lifelong impression on me
but when I entered in college life, the changes began appearing in me.
College life bring with it
different people in my life, I learned different perspective of looking at
things. My thoughts were getting broader than ever before. I acquired the habit
of reading and this filled me with new knowledge and thinking. This was first
noticed by professor Kavidyal and he started giving extra attention to me.
There were times when he admired me in front of whole class and told things
which I never heard before like ‘you will go a long way’. I sure wanted to be
successful before as well and I thought successful meant making huge money or a
higher designation. I think he meant the latter one. With the appreciation and
expectation I felt compelled to work hard. What truly inspired me were not his
praises but his knowledge and dedication towards his work. Besides that, he
always emphasized on living life with values and ethics. Honestly speaking,
other professors and teachers there, stand nowhere near him. Apart from being a
good teacher of subjects, he is also a guiding light of my life. He was the
first one in my student life to teach values in life. Other teachers taught
subjects only but he taught many other things, constantly told us to be honest,
sincere, dedicated and well behaved to all. He would always be the teacher of
my student life who deserves most respect.
Going ahead in my education, I met two more
teachers who were able to put good impression on me. Mr. Pankaj Updadhyay and
Mr. Maninder Singh. When I used to attent Pankaj sir’s class, I used to see
Kavidyal sirs reflection on him. I attended just 4 classes of Maninder sir but
this short time was enough to made a mark on me These all teachers gave me many
valuable lessons in life which I am not going to forget, apart from just
teaching, the lessons which might not land me in very high designation or any
high paying job but certainly to a life which is worth living. All the good
things I will be doing in my future will the consequence of their teachings.
These persons above will always be my ideals whose teachings will guide me in
every walk of life.
I think
if everybody will get these kind of teachers in their life and learn the
way I have learnt from them, I can’t guarantee a richer world but I can
guarantee a better tomorrow for everyone.